We have great tasting products that will give you more energy, help you trim fat and support your immune system. We bring healthy products to life!!


Why Fat Trimming?

Our products are proven to curb appetite and accelerate metabolism, which will help in assisting weight loss. It works by boosting the activity of insulin after consumption of meals by quickening the metabolism of fat and glucose in the body.

Key ingredients for Adults and Children:

Chromium Picolinate – A natural nutritional mineral that increases efficiency of insulin, enhances weight loss, supports mood stabilization and promotes energy. It also curbs appetite and increases metabolism to reduce body fat. 
L-Carnatine – A natural nutrient that helps the body turn fat into energy. An amino acid that is the metabolic furnace of the fat cell. 
Inulin - A natural fiber that has approximately 10% of the sweetness of sugar, which is produced by plants. It has a minimal impact on blood sugar, making this product even more suitable for diabetics. This fat trimming product is recommended for all persons ages 12 and above. For optimum results in fat reduction, you must metabolize more calories daily than you consume.


Why Fruit Sugar & Stevia?

  • Creates an all-natural, no-sugar-added treat
  • Aids in the treatment and management of obesity
  • Helps alleviate high blood pressure and regulate glucose levels
  • Provides a natural sweetener for diabetics


Why Antioxidants?

Some of the many benefits of antioxidants:

  • Boosts your immune system
  • Supports sound sleep
  • Supports healthy vision
  • Slows down the aging process of skin and other organs
  • Lowers stress
  • The higher the ORAC value (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), the more intense the level of protection involving the benefits listed above. Refer to this chart below
  • This high antioxidant product contains healthy, all-natural vitamin nutrients for all ages, 2-100.




  • What is the major cause of death from any virus, cold to pneumonia, flu, or bacteria causing illness?
  • What is the major cause for developing a preexisting condition?

You cannot put a Volkswagen Engine in a Mack Truck and think it will survive.  Your Heart, Lungs, Arteries, Capillaries, Blood Vessels, are your transmission. If you create an out of touch frame to your God given cardiovascular system, you are destined for trouble!  As you tune your car and ONLY put the designated, right gasoline in your gas tank and your car lasts a long time.  Why would you not put the right 'fuel' in your body with the same discipline, to have the proper BMI, percentage of body fat, and a well tuned body to destroy all the toxins attacking you with stronger antibodies and immune system?  When you don't have a Plan that benefits your everyday health, you are vulnerable for every contagious disease becomes inevitable.  

Our IMMUNE BOOSTER can be the catalyst to start this transformation, during such a vulnerable environment world-wide. 

There will be many new viruses and new strains of viruses, but if you fail to plan, plan to fail.   Let me help you have the quality of life you deserve.

Gary Brisker






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You are about to discover the "Top 10 Ingredients To Avoid" that will change your life! 

We believe many common ailments and diseases can be prevented by limiting our exposure to synthetic ingredients such as artificial sweeteners & preservatives, processed foods, sodium, enriched/modified products, and more... 

Products that contain artificial sugars and stimulants such as caffeine, taurine, ma huang extract, willow bark extract and so many more ingredients in popular store bought products, create a false sense of energy by speeding up your heart, without you doing any activity.  We're committed to supporting your overall health by providing high-quality, premium products, and by sharing a wealth of information about healthy living. Our products are free from artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors, preservatives and added chemicals. They are cruelty free, non-toxic, dairy free, paraben free and GMO free.

These 10 Ingredients – and more – are responsible for MANY of the health issues we see today.  


1. Refined Sugar

Refined sugar increases weight gain, increases the risk of heart disease, increases the risk of Type 2 Diabetes, is linked to acne, can cause depression, and is a huge catalyst for cancer. It causes hypertension, gives you a false sense of energy, and it breaks down your antibodies and immune system. It impacts dental health, can contribute to premature aging and cognitive decline. If it decays your teeth, what do you think it does to your internal organs when consumed?


2. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

This has all the same risks as refined sugar products, because it is a refined sugar product. Foods that contain HFCS are soda, candy, breads, canned fruit, salad dressings, snack foods, condiments and sauces. Companies use these products because they’re engineered to be cheap to produce (saves money) and to be addictive (increases sales). Research shows they cause similar addictive cravings as Heroin. Only consume HFCS-free products. 


3. Sodium Nitrate

The preservative that keeps all processed meats pink or their original color, without browning. This increases store sales by making products “appear” fresher and last longer. Sodium Nitrate is a strong cancer catalyst and increases heart disease risk by damaging blood vessels and causing arteries to narrow and harden. It’s also a major catalyst for migraines. Have you noticed the increase in popularity of bacon and other meats labeled “nitrate free”? This is why.

4. BHT Preservative

The preservative that keeps frozen vegetables from browning and increases shelf life. This also is a catalyst for Cancer. BHT is suspected to have toxic effects on lung tissue. While not listed as a true carcinogen, it has caused cancer in lab animals. It is also linked to kidney disease and certain neurological disorders. BHT is banned in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan and throughout Europe. Why are we still using it?


5. Sodium / Salt

Salts are a huge catalyst for high blood pressure and heart disease. Whenever you want to lose weight, water weight is the first to go. Salt acts to do the opposite, to retain water, delaying any good results for you to lose fatty tissue in your body. Salt intake puts a strain on your kidneys, heart, arteries and brain. It can cause headaches, dehydration, and causes you to crave more and more salt. All salts are Sodium chloride (NaCl). Some salts are much worse than others. Table salt (refined salt), often referred to as just “salt” is especially dangerous, even toxic to the body (like refined sugar). Himalayan salt is pink because of iron from the rocks. Sea salt is grey because of the minerals from the sea. Both are MUCH better if you’re going to consume salt. Salt can be a source of Potassium, but it’s Not a good source. Manufacturers often add salt to products as both a preservative and flavor, because it’s cheap to produce. If salt on winter roads can take the paint off your car, rust your bumpers and crack your concrete driveway, what can it do to your internal organs? 

6. Artificial Sweeteners

All artificial sweeteners we use today are chemicals made in a lab and specifically engineered to be addictive and create cravings in your body for more. They can cause headaches, rashes, dizziness, bloating and digestive issues. Studies back to the 1970’s show that extended use can cause cancer. God created natural sugar from fruit (Fructose) and plants (Stevia and Monk Fruit). All others are man-made chemical sweeteners.


7. Processed Foods

Processed foods are high in chemicals, preservatives, salts, sugars, unhealthy carbohydrates, processed meats, and contain most of the items on this list. They are generally engineered for overconsumption to increase sales, and to have a longer shelf life, therefore increasing profitability. The ONLY frozen foods you should consume are those frozen with no preservatives or any additional ingredients other than what is frozen. Most products that man makes are driven by money, do not trust. Any product that God makes, your diet is blessed!

8. Bleached Flour

Found in breads, cereals, crackers, pastas, and numerous pastries, they take milled flour or grained flour and use chemicals to make cheaper and lighter products. The result is all the healthy, natural nutrients are lost. During the bleaching process, a byproduct called alloxan is produced. Alloxan is used to produce diabetes in lab animals (rat and mice) so they can study diabetes treatments. FDA still allows chemical processes to be used without food that produces alloxan. Also, as with any refined foods, A LOT of nutrients are lost in the process. There are too many lost nutrients to list. Some of the bleaching agents used in the bleaching process include Chlorine Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Chlorine, Calcium Peroxide, Azodicarbonamide, and Benzoyl Peroxide. Recommended are whole grain products, unbleached and/or with semolina pasta base.


9 Enriched Products

When foods are processed, and refined, they are often “enriched” with synthetic items to replace what has been lost due to poor manufacturing (many times to save money / reduce retail prices). Often, these synthetic vitamins and minerals are in such mis-proportioned amounts, they can become harmful. Studies have shown that many of these products have levels that can cause liver damage, skeletal deformities in children, hair loss and more.

10. Modified & Hydrogenated Cooking Oils

Hydrogenation, complete or partial, is a chemical process in which hydrogen is added to liquid oils to turn them into a solid form. Partially hydrogenated fat molecules have trans fats, and they may be the worst type of fat you can consume. They cause high “bad” cholesterol and plaque that clogs arteries. These ingredients save manufacturers money, increasing profits. There are healthy oils such as Virgin Olive Oil, Canola Oil, Coconut Oil, but stay away from all saturated fatty oils. Whenever you see ingredients of a product say "one of the following oils is in this product" do not eat it!




Meet Our Nutrition Director & Product Formulator:


Gary Brisker

As formulator and creator of many of our nutrition products, I am very concerned about the future health of our society.  After 40 years in the health and fitness industry, I have become ashamed at the statistics of child obesity and diabetes in the United States. My hope is to educate, motivate, and hold families accountable for the future – while empowering them with good nutrition. I want to be a support system for individuals in order for them to improve self-esteem, self-respect, self-image, self-confidence and self-discipline. Our products not only taste great, but provide energy, weight loss, and very high antioxidants. Our products give everyone, regardless of age, the opportunity to enjoy better health and a more energetic lifestyle. MINDSET is a program where weight control doesn’t have to be painful or overwhelming. It needs nurturing and tender care like gardening or raising a child. Basic guidelines and a continual flow of choices can give you optimum health and a positive lifestyle change.  

When bad choices are made, you can learn from them and see them as a part of lifes process. Simple realistic choices, hour by hour, day by day, can put you on a path toward a whole new life.... If you are serious about managing your weight and have struggled with weight loss in the past, MINDSET will give you new focus and new direction.

Gary received his BA in Humanities, American and English Literature at Boston University in 1971. Gary has extensive experience as a health facility consultant in New York City, Detroit, Boston, Chicago, Austin, San Antonio, Los Angeles and Phoenix. He has done independent nutritional counseling for weight management for over 40 years. His clients included former New York City Mayor, Ed Koch, NYC Wilhelmina and Ford Models, Paul Mitchell, also the Detroit Lions, the Detroit Tigers, and the San Anonio Spurs. Mr. Brisker is also well known as a corporate wellness counselor and has worked with companies such as Volkswagen and Ford. He has worked with all the well respected gurus of health, such as Jack La Lanne (9 years), Richard Simmons (3 years), Vic Tanny (5 years), and LA Fitness (5 years).